Saturday 8 May 2010

The Circus Has Come To Town

So we have gained two more members. A guitarist called Rich and bassist Alex. Time will tell if they are going to be a permanent fixture in the Flags army... However, it's looking promising as they both seem to be gelling well with the rest of us.

Our first festival as the band turned into a comedy of errors but in a Circus tent. Not only was it freezing, raining and miserable but moments before we were meant to go and play Pete locked Dave's keys and all our instruments in the car. Good one mate! It wasn't a total disaster because the AA man saved us and we played a pretty tight set. We also met some really cool guys who did the sound.

A few days later we played at Fighting Cocks in Kingston. Back in the day that was the first venue we had ever played. After the rather relentless sound check we headed to The Bentalls Centre to do a test run of our music video concept. Dave had to play the djembe really loud in the shopping centre until he got escorted off the premises. It was amazing!